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Why You Shouldn’t Put War and Peace Onto Marketing Materials

Why You Shouldn’t Put War and Peace Onto Marketing Materials

What is the first thing you look at when looking at a flyer? Is it the title? The image? The quality of the flyer? All of them are important for your marketing material to make a good impression on your customers. But if it’s filled with text and text only, you’re on the wrong path.

With the level of patience average people have these days, nobody wants to read an essay-long description of your marketing materials – no shade, just facts. And the last thing you want is for your potential customers to toss them in the bin…

After being in the design industry for quite some years now, here is a list of things I think you need to avoid when designing your next flyers:

  1. Too Much Information

The worst thing you can do while designing a flyer is to add tonnes of information for the sake of filling space. Too much information often comes across boring and dull – two words that you don’t want associated with your brand. This is why using key points only is important for readers to easily scan through and digest them.

  1. Long Headlines

If too much information is the very worst thing you can have on your flyer, then a long headline is a close second. Your headline needs to be short and sweet, straight to the point. A good headline should be something that catches the eye and encourage people to read more.

  1. Low Quality Images

Nothing gives me a bigger ick than seeing a blurry image on a flyer. Not only does it makes your flyer look bad, it also makes it look cheap. Avoid copying images straight from the website as they will be in a much lower quality, and often, the wrong resolution. High quality only around here.

  1. Too Much Colour

It’s undeniable that people prefer looking at bright, vibrant colours over black-and-white images. However, in this case, it isn’t the more the merrier. You need to be smart when using colour. The general rule of thumb is to only use colours that complement each other – reference a colour wheel to do this.

  1. Text

The right fonts can make a huge difference. Try googling ‘poor font choices’ and you’ll see what I mean. Try to avoid going below point 10 size, as that’s just asking your poor customers to check their eyesight after reading your flyers. No one wants a trip to Specsavers unannounced, do they?

One final tip is to always ask yourself:

Have those flyers have managed to catch your attention?

Are there too much text?

Are the colours working well with each other?

Make sure to always double, if not triple, check your work. Visualise it out on the streets. Finally, think about what we say here at MAVDigital, ‘If you personally are not happy to put your name on it – don’t send it out’.

If you have any questions about this approach or would like to hear about our services, don’t hesistate to get in touch with us. Happy printing!